OK, This group of children posed for the camera with Prize Cracker Jack boxes 1912-1918!
Notice that the children are displaying the boxes of Cracker Jack from both sides of the box and NO Sailor Jack and Bingo logo yet!
This photo is the front of an early post card!
I wonder what the Prizes were, the girl, second from the left dosen't look happy!
Hi all,
I'm impressed with the boxes. I have never seen or opened a box that neatly, let alone four in a row. Must have been handed to them by a food stylist at the photo shoot?
And, their faces all look to me like they've just been told they can't eat it.
Still, a great item, Alex!
Stewart Callner wrote:Hi all,
I'm impressed with the boxes. I have never seen or opened a box that neatly, let alone four in a row. Must have been handed to them by a food stylist at the photo shoot?
And, their faces all look to me like they've just been told they can't eat it.
Still, a great item, Alex!
Hi, Stewart and Luke
Luke: All one needs is patience in opening a box of Cracker Jack and looking for the Prize, yea sure!
Thank you both for the kind words on my photo post card!
Adorable picture, Alex! Just remember, that wasn't the throw-away society we live in now. Ma probably carefully opened those packages, so they could be recycled to hold buttons, pins or. . . .
they are so cute! how i wished i had a picture of myself when i was a kid posing with a cracker jack too as i have always wanted a remembrance of my own since nowadays i don't really see them Cracker Jacks much anymore. what can be cuter than a group of children with Cracker Jacks! and this picture looks so simple but so timeless and they really speak a lot about the era and this is surely something that is for keeps. i am collecting antique photos featuring Cracker Jack this will surely be something worth adding to my album.
Hi! Yes, this is an adorable photo. These four children don't look too thrilled about their box of CJ but they are sweet anyway. Maybe they are just unhappy because they had to stop munching long enough to have their picture taken. Oh, if we only knew what they were thinking when that photo was made.